Only minutes ago, the AP announced that Larry Silverstein, leaseholder of the World Trade Center site, finally accepted an agreement whereby he is ceding rights to build and operate the Freedom Tower and one other tower on the site of the Deutsche Bank building to the Port Authority, owner of the site, while still retaining rights to build three towers on the most commercially viable parcels of the site. When you have the mayor, governor, and NYC populace breathing down your neck, and don't quite have the audacity or clout of a Donald Trump, I guess making a deal doesn't sound like a bad idea. Maybe this means that we'll actually see some action down there in the next 10 years. Unfortunately, I don't think the wretched obelisk pictured here, a monument of fear and false, insecure, nationalistic pride, will be scrapped and redesigned like it should be. But we can always hope.
Hullo everyone, it's me. I'm a NYC-dwelling musician, fortunate enough to have spent a large portion of the last couple years touring with a major rocker whom you know and love. When on the road, this is where I process the travels and whatever else crosses my mind; when at home, the topics shift to musical, city-related, or completely random ramblings. I lived in Greenpoint for the first years of the NYC experience: Thus, G-Trained. Posting frequency is often inversely proportionate to the cost of internet access, but that doesn't really explain the year+ of silence. Donations accepted.
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